
StratoVM's architecture is modular, allowing for customization and flexibility in various components. The core modules of StratoVM include:

Data Availability Module: Celestia

The Data Availability module serves as the foundation of the StratoVM architecture, significantly impacting the security model of the entire stack. StratoVM utilizes Celestia as its primary Data Availability solution, storing the data (compressed transactions) on the Celestia network.

Data Validation Module: Bitcoin

To ensure the highest level of security and decentralization, StratoVM inherits the security properties of the Bitcoin network by storing the data hash on the Bitcoin blockchain. This approach enables StratoVM to leverage Bitcoin's consensus mechanism without requiring its own separate consensus protocol.

Rollup Module: Optimism

StratoVM reuses the battle-tested Optimism codebase, implementing a modified version of the OP Stack that adds support for Bitcoin. This module defines how the raw data stored in the Data Availability component is processed to form the inputs for the Execution Engine.

Smart Contract Module: EVM

StratoVM is designed to be EVM-equivalent, allowing developers to migrate decentralized applications (dapps) from Ethereum to Bitcoin with minimal or no modifications. This compatibility ensures a seamless transition for existing Ethereum developers and projects to leverage the security and decentralization of the Bitcoin network.

Inheriting Bitcoin's Security through Merged Mining

While StratoVM leverages the security of the Bitcoin network by storing data hashes on the Bitcoin blockchain, the team is actively researching the possibility of inheriting Bitcoin's security through a merged mining protocol. This approach, known as re-staking Bitcoin, would further solidify StratoVM's security by leveraging the vast mining power and decentralization of the Bitcoin network.

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